The International Journal for Religious Freedom (IJRF): Announcements 2025-03-18T15:47:27+01:00 Open Journal Systems <p>The International Journal for Religious Freedom (IJRF) is published twice a year and aims to provide a platform for scholarly discourse on religious freedom in general and the persecution of Christians in particular. It is an interdisciplinary, international, peer reviewed journal, serving the dissemination of new research on religious freedom and contains research articles, documentation, book reviews, academic news and other relevant items.</p> <p>The IJRF is listed on the South African Department of Higher Education and Training “Approved list of South African journals” as effective from 1 January 2012.</p> <p>Manuscripts submitted for publication are assessed by a panel of referees and the decision to publish is dependent on their reports.</p> <p>The IJRF subscribes to the National Code of Best Practice in Editorial Discretion and Peer Review for South African Scholarly Journals.</p> <p>The IJRF is available as a paid print subscription, and released later as a free online version on 1 March and 1 September respectively (, as well as via SABINET and EBSCO.</p> <p><a title="Leitet Herunterladen der Datei ein" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Accreditation</a></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Guidelines for authors</a></p> Call for Papers: Call for proposals for Special Issue on Intermediate Actors and Religious Accommodations 2025-03-18T15:47:27+01:00 The International Journal for Religious Freedom (IJRF) <p>Call for proposals for Special Issue on <strong>Intermediate Actors and Religious Accommodations </strong>to be published in the <a href=",general%20and%20the%20persecution%20of%20Christians%20in%20particular."><em>International Journal for Religious Freedom</em></a> in 2026, Issue 19(1)</p> <p>Co-edited by <a href="">Alexandra Cosima Budabin</a> (Eurac Research Institute for Minority Rights) and <a href="">Costanza Nardocci</a> (University of Milan).</p> <p>We seek proposals for articles that explore the challenges of addressing religious diversity in divided societies, focusing specifically on conflicts related to religious minorities in the workplace. There is urgent need to understand how to meet the demands of accommodations of religious minorities due to increasing religious diversity at State and supranational levels. As part of efforts for diversity management, there is a need for balanced and human rights-based responses to cases of religious discrimination in the workplace.</p> <p>The Special Issue draws attention to the role of intermediate actors, such as trade unions, advocates, employee groups, religious associations, foundations, human rights NGOs, and others as significant mediators when addressing issues related to religious accommodations in divided societies.</p> <p>We invite contributions drawing from social sciences, humanities, and legal perspectives that will unpack the role of intermediate actors and their framing strategies for responding to discrimination against religious minorities in the workplace with a focus on the Global contexts.</p> <p><strong>We welcome submission of abstracts until May 15, 2025. We will alert authors of accepted abstracts by June 1, 2025. Full paper submissions will be due August 1, 2025. Please send abstracts of 250 words to </strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a><strong> and </strong></p> 2025-03-18T15:47:27+01:00