Editorial Team
Founding Editors
- Prof. Dr. Christof Sauer, Fjellhaug International University College (Stuttgart, Germany)
- Prof. Dr. mult. Thomas Paul Schirrmacher, Martin Bucer Seminary (Bonn, Germany)
Executive Editor
- Prof. Dr. Janet Epp Buckingham, Trinity Western University (Ottawa, Canada) ijrf@iirf.global
Editorial Assistant
- Marcela Bordón Lugo (Santiago, Chile)
Book Reviews
- Dr. Werner Nel, University of Johannesburg (Pretoria, South Africa) bookreviews@iirf.global
Academic Board of the International Institute for Religious Freedom
Editorial Board of the International Journal for Religious Freedom
- Prof. Dr. mult. Thomas Paul Schirrmacher (Bonn, Germany)
- Prof. Dr. Christof Sauer (Stuttgart, Germany)
- Dr. Georgia Du Plessis (Huldenberg, Belgium)
- Prof. S. A. de Freitas (Bloemfontein, South Africa)
- Prof. Dr. Paul Rowe (Vancouver, Canada)
- Prof. Dr. Th. K. Johnson (Knoxville, USA)
- Dr. P. Marshall (Washington DC, USA)
- Dr. Alex Deagon (Queensland, Australien)
- Prof. Dr. D. L. Stults (Oklahoma, USA)
- Prof. Stephen Baskerville (USA)
- Dr. Werner Nel (Pretoria, South Africa)
- Prof. Dr. A. Ojacor (Kampala, Uganda)
- Godfrey Yogarajah (Colombo, Sri Lanka)
- Prof. Dr. B. J. G. Reitsma (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- Prof. Dr. Godfrey Harold (Cape Town, South Africa)
- Dr. Esther Schirrmacher (Bonn, Germany)
- Dr. Mine Yıldırım (London, UK)
- André Fagundes (São Paulo, Brazil)