Persecution as a battle for defining identity

Reflections from Turkey


  • Wolfgang Haede


Persecution, identity, prejudice, Turkey, 1 Peter


In Turkey, there is a remarkable degree of prejudice against Christians. Opinion formers of the nationalistic and the Islamist ideologies use and deepen the existing prejudice to define Christian identity in a way that may lead to more violent forms of persecution and to a wrong self-image of the Christians themselves. Therefore, an important element of persecution in today’s Turkey is a battle for defining Christian identity. As a response to wrong definitions, Christians have to focus on the real Christian identity. The First Letter of Peter speaks into a similar situation of suffering through prejudice and ostracism. The letter focuses on the assurance of real Christian identity and on a warning of Christians to provoke wrong definitions by inconvenient behavior.

Author Biography

Wolfgang Haede

Wolfgang Haede (*1958) is working on a DTh in Missiology under the guidance of Profs Christof Sauer (Cape Town, South Africa) and Ursula Spuler-Stegemann (Marburg, Germany) in the Department of Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology at the University of South Africa about the perception of Christianity in Turkish newspapers. He is a German Christian worker in Turkey and holds a MTh (equiv). For some years he helped to build up a small Turkish church in Izmit/Turkey together with his Turkish wife. Presently he is involved in theological education in Turkey with Germany based “Martin Bucer Seminary”. Haede authored the book Faithful until Death – The story of Necati Aydin, a Turkish Martyr for Christ (Bartlesville 2012).


