A biblical theology of persecution and discipleship

Part 1. The Pentateuch


  • Glenn Penner


Persecution, theology, Bible, Pentateuch, image of God, faith, human rights, Abel, Cain, Noah, Lot, Abraham, Isaac, Moses


Contrary to popular opinion, biblical teaching on religious freedom and the persecution of the righteous is not restricted to the New Testament. Significant foundational teachings are found in the Pentateuch on religious freedom, beginning with the creation of mankind in the divine image, and persecution, beginning with the Fall and the first murder, that of Abel by Cain. These foundational teachings are exemplified in the Pentateuch in the lives of its major characters including Noah, Lot, Abraham, Isaac, and Moses as they seek to live out lives of faith in the face of opposition.

Author Biography

Glenn Penner

Glenn Penner is the Chief Executive Officer of The Voice of the Martyrs in Canada. He has taught on the biblical theology of persecution to Christian leaders in religiously restricted and hostile nations in South America, Africa and Asia as well as in seminaries and colleges in Europe and North America. He is also on the Academic Board of the International Institute for Religious Freedom focusing on theology of persecution and curriculum development.





