This is an outdated version published on 2021-11-08. Read the most recent version.

Highlighting the dark corners of persecution

Using the Open Doors World Watch List as a basis


  • Thomas Müller
  • Matthew D. Rees
  • Frans Veerman


World Watch List, persecution engines, advocacy, drivers of persecution, conversion, gender dimension of persecution, persecution eclipse


World Watch Research has for many years been gathering data about different types of hostilities against Christians. Traditionally these data were used to guide Open Doors (OD) field work, as well as by Open Doors Offices, mainly to sensitize Christian constituencies, encourage them to pray and give for the ‘persecuted Church’. More recently, the data have been used more broadly by different groups of users. This article describes how World Watch List (WWL) data have helped to highlight underresearched topics concerning persecuted Christians. It also gives an example how OD’s office in the United Kingdom used the data to improve its advocacy work.



2021-11-08 — Updated on 2021-11-08
