Origins of and responses to secular intolerance


  • Dennis P. Petri
  • Janet Epp Buckingham


Secular intolerance occurs when secular governments or societies marginalize religious faith and practice. Religion is forced out of the public sphere and is limited to the private sphere. Civic space is denied to those with religious perspectives that diverge from those promoted by those who are non-religious. This paper traces the philosophical roots of secular intolerance starting with the Enlightenment. It con- cludes with suggestions on counteracting secular intolerance.

Author Biographies

Dennis P. Petri

Dennis P. Petri is international director of the International Institute for Religious Freedom; founder and scholar-at-large at the Observatory of Religious Freedom in Latin America; lecturer at The Hague University of Applied Sciences, the Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología and the La- tin American Faculty of Social Sciences (UNESCO); and director of the Foundation Platform for Social Transformation.

Janet Epp Buckingham

Janet Epp Buckingham is director of Global Advocacy for the World Evangelical Alliance; Professor of Political Studies at Trinity Western University; and Executive Editor of the International Journal for Religious Freedom.



2022-03-02 — Updated on 2022-03-03
